Day 3 Zhangye (Sunan Danxia Landform)

As I mentioned before, Sunan and Linze Danxia Landform Area are actually the same place, but unfortunately seperated by two different local government institute.
Though we only got the tickets fm Linze, we decided to climb over the hill to reach Sunan region, sounds like an adventure right? I like it!

After staying one night at Linze hostel, we got up very early to catch the view of sunrise fm Danxia area.
I was almost freezed that day and really didn’t think the sunrise view was as stunning as expected, or maybe I didn’t set the camera right. IMG_1094 
So crowded fm the right part, they were all the fearless photographers waiting the very moment.

That’s so called sunrise fm Zhangye Danxia landform area, not good enough I know.

The other side is the noodle restauraunt which was for the movie, I think it more stunning than sunrise, right?

Usually most of the photographers are fearless for a better camera position no matter how old they are, so all I gotta do was to take a photo for them who were on the edge of precipice.

This is the overall view of Sunan Danxia Landform Area fm the #4 sightseeing stand of Linze Danxia Area, so ironic! I have to state that there is no proper way between these two regions, if you try to step in Sunan, you have to climb over a colorful hill, and do it secretly before its too late(security are all around now and then) .

We are the winner of succesful climbing over to Sunan area, as you could see the narrow and winding trail behind and that’s our very track, nothing could stop us fm taking amazing pictures, though our boots and shoes were all dusty.

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The photographers still worked hard at the sightseeing stand in Linze, so let me handle the rest closeshot part, my pleasure.

No place is comparable to it, and no word could describe it.

That is called a mountain of swards and a sea of flames, which means most dangerous place. Actually I felt hot tamale. What a pity I took these photos in the morning, it would be better in the afternoon due to sunlight.

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Thank Jet for these portrait photo, that’s a winner look.

One of  my favorite photo, perfect light perfect weather perfect landscape and maybe perfect shot.

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It was not easy to rock on top, but we made it! UROCK, so you rock.

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That’s right, the ground fissure was all because of me, hahaha! 

Ok, I was shot hiddenly. And aboves are what I took and what I was taken.

I do love sidelight fm back and wide angle, make me looks tall enough.

Happy hour with happy color, everyone should be happy each day.

My another favorite! Also the cloud is a match!

How tiny we were! Everyone selected the right place to take photos.

Have you noticed our rock necklace? One is Lemon Jasper and the other is Banded Agate, all are natural rock.

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Another piece of shock ground fissure,  feel like volcanic explosion, is it?

So that’s jouney to the west, with burning sun and strong wind, even the cloud were dancing.

Honestly I’ve never seen the color of mountain is more rich than water, too mystical.

I was speechless to this guy, seemed like he could fly over the top of mountain, he just rushed to the top in only half a minute, even the trail is so narrow and dangerous and quite easy to fall off.

I really hope to move foward like that guy, but I only finished half of it and suddenly lost my guts. At that moment I was a bit angry at myself because I was the person who could pass the famous dangerous pathway of Huashan Mountain as easy as ABC, however I did feel scared and dizzy this time and my feet even not belong to me, I stood there for a while and finally chose give up, I tried to challenge myself for two times but all ended up at same result. I learn fm that sometimes giving up needs more guts than moving foward, just true to yourself and gotta let go!  

You don’t have to strike the pose to look more powerful, honey!

Unknowingly we spent more than five hours there, and our driver was speechless though, how can we let out such a great opportunity to take amazing photo!

We asked the driver to take us to visit Sunan area fm the very front door after lunch. Though we feel a bit boring of Danxia landform, it was still charming.

Just made fun of ourselves.

Fresh mix of color, bravo!

I am kind of wondering about the formation of this landform, which mixed some shining mineral substance and soft soil, just amazing.
Gotta move fwd to next stop….

So that’s it, all about colorful Danxia landform, hope you enjoy our tour. We’ve been Luweigou Valley on the way, to be continued…

5 thoughts on “Day 3 Zhangye (Sunan Danxia Landform)

  1. This is amazing review, I have plan to visit Danxia Landform next month.
    If I hire a taxi, I could enter the park with my rent car, right?

    • U could enter the park with car in Sunan Danxia Landform, but not in Linze Danxia Landform. Linze offer shuttles for visitors and not allow any car in it. But I went there next year, I’m not sure if the policy changes or not.

  2. I’ll be passing through Zhangye in November and would like to visit the ZhangYe Landform. What is the difference between the Sunan Danxia Landform and the Linze Danxia Landform? How do you get there? Would it be possible for you to give me a bit more information. Thanks

    • actually they are same place but different parts which belong to differnt local government, i rent a texi there. In my opinion, Linze is good for taking the wide-angle splendid pics, there are total 4 platforms there u could have a bird-eye view, Linze doesnt allow any car there, only shuttle to connect each platform. Sunan is perfect for close-shot, u could walk over the coloful dune in some areas, and self-driving is available.

  3. I just went there last month (Sep 2012)…As Gingeryip said, the information of the policy does not change.
    I recommend to visit Linze in the late afternoon, and to Sunan in the morning.
    But if you have enough time a whole day for either site with sunrise and sunset shot.

    For Linze site, after passing the entrance there are room for accommodation. That is interesting.

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